Appointment Request

Physical and Recheck appointments are made in advance. Depending on the time and season of the year the time frame changes. Camp and back to school physicals are our busiest times of the year. Our practice strongly believes children should have physicals once a year. It is good preventive care. This also prepares them for any sport or activity they participate in for the year. This allows us to recertify your child’s health form for the year. Please note that participation in P.I.A.A. Sport Programs require the physical to be after June 1st of the year! Please call the appointment line (215) 293-6025 to schedule these visits.

Recertification of your child’s health form can be done by bringing he/she into the office with the form so that one of our medical staff can attest that they have seen your child and that he/she is cleared to participate in that sport.

Sick appointments are given the same day. If your child is ill, we want to see them that day to get them on the road to recovery sooner than later. Please call the main number (215) 293-6010 for sick visits.

Consult appointments are scheduled in advance and these are made on the appointment line, as well.


Please check with your insurance company to make sure your policy covers yearly physical examinations. Some insurance companies are very strict in their timing requirements for payment of visits. Some insurance companies require 365 days between physicals for children over the age of two years. This is your responsibility to inquire about your individual policy. Your insurance contract is between you and your company.

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